Comments on: 8 Blogging and Business Trends for the Next 10 Years Entrepreneur, Financial Expert, Tech & Marketing Guru Fri, 20 Aug 2021 19:35:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Ludwig Tue, 25 Feb 2020 16:30:24 +0000 In reply to Nicholas Okonkwo.

Hey Nicholas,

I didn’t mention those businesses but you might be right.

By: Nicholas Okonkwo Sat, 04 Jan 2020 20:42:22 +0000 Insightful article as usual.

Also, I see Amazon, Facebook, and Google facing government regulations due to privacy violations.

1. YouTube will introduce a new monetization system that will hurt content creators who rely on it for lead generations.

2. Due to privacy issues, Facebook will be heavily regulated or broken into two. It will not survive beyond 2026.

3. Amazon will equally come under heavy regulations regarding privacy issues, thereby hurting content creators.

Tied together, paid and organic traffic will face a bumpy ride.

By: Larry Ludwig Sun, 29 Dec 2019 22:24:37 +0000 In reply to Todd Tresidder.

Hey Todd,

No, I agree with all of your sentiments and think they are on mark. I did mention SEO is playing less of a role. A.I. for content writing will be an arms race.

By: Todd Tresidder Sun, 29 Dec 2019 21:38:15 +0000 Nice work, Larry! I enjoyed your article. A lot of good insight in here.

With that said, I can’t help but believe you underplayed the implications of the first item – A.I.

I can picture a world of high quality AI content and AI SEO battling it out with Google’s AI algorithms. It seems to me Google will be the worst AI offender by offering up it’s own AI search answer as the new snippet. It’s too easy and too valuable for them not to do it. Why should they continue to give away all that traffic to the top results when their computers can create it allowing them to keep all that value to themselves? The answer is… they wont. They’re a corporation with a profit motive. They’ll take whatever value they can so expect it to happen.

That means we can expect a massive chunk of organic traffic to vanish straight to Google, just like has been happening with the other recent changes – only now it will be bigger and more accelerated. Adding insult to injury, a flood of new, high-quality AI content will then compete for the remaining traffic. It will be so good and so plentiful that it will effectively compete with today’s sites that currently dominate the top 10-20 search results because of the breadth and depth of their site’s authority/content.

The result of this A.I. revolution just around the corner will be that the value of most content on the internet today will drop toward zero as the cost of conventional content drops toward zero with AI. That means I agree with your conclusion that personal brands with unique, deep niche expertise and branded messaging will emerge as the winners.

Unfortunately, it also means people building sites on the model that worked for the last decade where they use freelance content and conventional SEO are about to see a massive loss of value.

My point is to try and paint a picture of the biggest revolution to hit our businesses since Google was born is right around the corner. It’s a game-changer in a deep, fundamental way. The existing rules of the game around about to be overturned.

Am I exaggerating? Do you see it differently? What do you think?
