
Your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms

Whether you're new to treatment or have been in treatment for a while, talking openly about RA symptoms will help your doctor choose next steps that are right for you.

senior man fishing with grandson

Whether you're new to treatment or have been in treatment for a while, talking openly about RA symptoms will help your doctor choose next steps that are right for you.

Tell your doctor:

  • How often you have joint pain, swelling, and stiffness (and how long it lasts)
  • How intense your joint pain is on a scale of 1 (mild) to 10 (worst)
  • How much redness or warmth you’ve had around your joints
  • If you've had a fever or loss of appetite recently
  • How often you have fatigue (and how severe it is)
  • If you've noticed small nodules under your skin

Other clues that help your doctor know if treatment is working include:

  • How easy or difficult it is for you to do daily tasks (get dressed, drive, cook)
  • How many joints are affected by pain, swelling, and stiffness
  • Your energy level (higher or lower)
  • How you feel overall (better or worse)

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